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2023-04-30 16:44:43 ,,,,,,,,,,

Today, the cold wind is biting, the rain is rattling, and the next one is incessant. There are countless drops of water splashing on the ground. The rain is very beautiful. The countless drops of water seem to play one after another soft and sweet lullaby by light little hands. Each note has a joyful atmosphere. The crazy wind seems to overturn the roof, howling and shaking, and goose bumps are rising.


本文收集了五年级雨天英语日记优秀范文的日记400字, ,,,,,,,,,, 您还可以浏览 日记100字 / 日记200字 / 日记300字 / 日记400字 / 日记500字 / 日记600字 / 日记700字 / 日记800字 / 周记大全 / 写作素材 /
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