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2023-04-30 16:44:55 ,,,,,,,,,,,,,

It rained on Sunday. My friend and I went out to play. He took an umbrella and wore a pair of rain boots. Im going to find another friend of mine.
The sound of his treading water is wheezing. Another friend came out with a washbasin. The sound of raindrops in the washbasin was dripping, so he put the washbasin back. Then we went to another friends house, he was doing his homework, and we waited for him to do his homework. He finished his homework just after the rain. We went to play together. Rainy days are really fun!


本文收集了三年级下雨天英语日记大全的日记500字, ,,,,,,,,,,,,, 您还可以浏览 日记100字 / 日记200字 / 日记300字 / 日记400字 / 日记500字 / 日记600字 / 日记700字 / 日记800字 / 周记大全 / 写作素材 /
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