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2023-04-30 16:44:55 ,,,,,,,,,,,,,

A spring rain came quietly. Before you know it, the ground is wet. An ancient poem, Tianjie is as smooth as Su, just like ringing in the ear.. Yes, when you look up, the path in front of you seems to be lightly sprinkled with dew, as if stepping on it will crush her, so warm and soft. Raise your head, lift up your face, and rain like silk and cow hair is scattered on your face, so sweet, so cool and beautiful.
Im rain? The rain is me? I cant argue clearly.
I just wish it would rain harder and harder.


本文收集了三年级下雨天英语日记大全的日记500字, ,,,,,,,,,,,,, 您还可以浏览 日记100字 / 日记200字 / 日记300字 / 日记400字 / 日记500字 / 日记600字 / 日记700字 / 日记800字 / 周记大全 / 写作素材 /
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